A Voice In The Wilderness

A Voice In The Wilderness, Inc. is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Ministry dedicated to spreading the Gospel throughout Haiti. FEI 34-1966419
At a Missions Conference in May, 1996 we were introduced to a Haitian pastor named Jerome. For the next year Elizabeth Seese began to raise money to support the pastor’s school and feeding program. In July, 1997 Elizabeth made her first trip to Haiti. What began as a fact- finding trip would soon become a lifelong commitment to educating, feeding and ministering to the children of Haiti.
Soon after, Dewaine Seese made his first trip to Haiti and the rest, as we say, is history. Elizabeth would be called “Mommy Liz” by all her Haitian children and Dewaine simply became “Dad.” Under their direction, “A Voice in the Wilderness” would operate a school and feeding program for the next 18 years.
As their health began to deteriorate and the struggling economies in the USA and Canada began to impact their financial support, as well as the increases in costs to rent a facility in Haiti after the Earthquake of 2010, the ministry began to scale back. In January, 2016 Elizabeth and Dewaine made the decision to retire from the mission field, no longer physically able to travel to Haiti. Today the ministry continues under the leadership of Rev. Jim Owens and his wife Cindy.
The ministry continues to seek out new locations to expand to, so we can continue to meet the needs of the children. There is an on-going ministry to the children who were left orphaned by the 2010 earthquake. The Christian education program continues at two locations in Carrefour-Feuilles, and Savann Pistache as well as two feeding programs, and a monthly medical clinic.