A Voice In The Wilderness

Do you know where you're going to spend eternity?
We have good news for you! If you're unsure right now where you will spend eternity, you can be sure before you leave this website.
In the Bible, Romans 3: 23 says: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
That means me, you, everyone. We all fall short in God's eyes. No one is perfect and we all need forgiveness from Him.
Romans 6:23 says: "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Even though we all fall short because of sin, the good news is God loved us all so much that he sent His only son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17), so that we could know God and live forever with Him.
Your soul will go on forever with Him or without Him!
With Him you'll live in Heaven with God and His glory; without Him is eternal damnation and death in Hell.
Hell is a very real place but thankfully we can be saved from that place through God's Son Jesus.
Romans 10:9 states: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10:13 continues the thought: "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
It is that simple, if you know that you're not going to spend forever with Him; if you've never accepted the Lord as your savior, all you have to do is believe in your heart that He died for you and rose again on the third day.
The Bible promises that you will then have a home in heaven and the hope of eternal life with Him!
It's as easy as this simple prayer, if you don't know Him today please pray this prayer and mean it from the bottom of your heart:
"Lord, I know I'm a sinner. I fall short of your glory. But I believe that your Son Jesus Christ died on a cross in my place for my sins. Lord, come into my heart and forgive me of my sins and give me a home in heaven. Thank you Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
If you prayed this prayer, welcome to the family! Let us know, we would love to send you some materials to help you along with your brand new life.
Contact Pastor Owens at: revowens@verizon.net